Friday, 30 January 2009

Create Symbolic Link - Mac Automator Action

This is an automator action plug-in for OSX that allows you to easily create Symbolic Links to files or folders. Symbolic links are similar to aliases except that some applications such as the Create Clean Archive action will treat them as the actual file they point to. This can be useful when zipping folders that contain symbolic links as you do not need to keep multiple copies of the file on disk taking up a large amount of space.

My most used task for them however is to link to custom libraries when developing applications from within Xcode. This means I can have all my relevant SDK's and Libraries on a convenient place on disk eg. my Documents folder and then create a symbolic link to them and put it in the main include path in "/usr/include/". I can then link to that library in my project using the angled brackets notation which is a lot clearer and takes up less space eg. "#include ".

You will probably find more uses for symbolic links but will undoubtably find them very handy.

Create Symbolic Link 1.0

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